Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Psicomagia Residence W.I.P.

Psicomagia Residence


Estudio Martin Gomez Arquitectos

Building's name: Psicomagia Residence

Architects: Estudio Martin Gomez Arquitectos

Building's location:  Punta Del Este, Uruguay

Building's usage: Contemporary Bungalow

Main materials used: Stone, timber, concrete, glass

Floor area: 3,250 square foot

Completed year: 2009


done with autocad! :)

Completed model

Rendering a vase.

I've chosen the vase shape I want to draw from the website.

The image is imported into 3dx max and the half of the outline of the vase is traced. 

"Lathe" the outline to achieve a 3D form.


Done! :)